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KHL in the Community

If you cannot get into downtown Montpelier to visit the Library, we may have an option for you!

Home Delivery

If you or someone you know is housebound and unable to visit the Library for 2 months or longer; call (802) 223-3338 or email [email protected] to find out about home delivery. Download the Home Delivery Registration Form and return it the library.

We will do our best to arrange pickup and delivery, and we’re happy to help choose books that you might enjoy reading.​

Book Swap

Our outreach staff and volunteers maintain book swaps at the following locations:

Book swap books do not need to come back to the library.

Child Care Providers

The Kellogg-Hubbard Library promotes pre-literacy skills through its outreach service to child care providers. Volunteers choose and deliver books to area day cares, often leading story times.

Autumn Bissonnette
[email protected]

Community Sites

  • Adamant Annex:
    The outreach program maintains a library annex at the Adamant Coop. This provides easy library access to residents of East Montpelier and Calais. Patrons may also call the library and request specific materials to be delivered to the Annex.
  • Worcester Food Shelf:
    Kellogg-Hubbard Library volunteers bring free books to Worcester as part of the Food Shelf/Community Lunch on Wednesdays.
CLOSED MONDAY, JANUARY 20 FOR MLK DAY. Our new catalog is live! As part of the transfer, your catalog password has been changed to the last 4 digits of your phone number.