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Volunteer at the Library

Thank you for your interest in volunteering!

Our wonderful volunteers make many of our services possible, and help strengthen our connections to our community.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Book sales: Sorting donations & restocking tables (paused for now)
  • Programs: Helping with programs for adults and/or children.
  • Home Delivery: Contacting patrons, Delivering materials
  • Outreach: Book deliveries to daycares and outreach sites, Reading at daycare centers, Maintaining book exchanges.
  • Processing: Putting dust covers on new books, labeling, mending damaged books & DVDs
  • Shelving: Shelving books and materials, shelf facing (tidying), shelf reading (making sure materials are in the correct order)

As a first step, please fill out our volunteer application below.

We will follow up with you when a volunteer job is available, please note that not all volunteer activities are always available, not all volunteer activities are available to both youth and adult volunteers and some volunteer activities require a criminal background check (indicated with ** below).

Volunteer Application

    Youth volunteer applicantAdult volunteer applicant

    Shelving and tidying library materialsMaking home deliveries**Outreach story time and daycare deliveries**Library Summer Reading Program (youth volunteers only)Book Sale sorting & organizingProcessing & mendingLibrary Programs for AdultsLibrary Programs for Children**

    Our new catalog is live! As part of the transfer, your catalog password has been changed to the last 4 digits of your phone number.