Use the
We offer free access to nearly 70,000 books, movies, audiobooks, and more, plus a range of online resources. Our friendly staff is happy to help you find what you’re looking for.
Everyone is welcome in our building! Come stay awhile, pull up a comfortable chair, and enjoy a book. We offer public computers and printing, restrooms, and free wi-fi access. Our Children’s Library is a great place for a play-date or an after-school hang. We also offer spaces for work and for community groups to hold meetings and events.
Catalog Search
Use the search bar to search the catalog by keyword (All Headings), author, or title.

Get a Library Card
A Kellogg-Hubbard Library card unlocks a world of discovery. We offer free library cards if you live or pay property taxes or teach or attend school in one of our supporting towns (Berlin, Calais, East Montpelier, Middlesex, Montpelier or Worcester). We also offer paid memberships for everyone else who wishes to join!

Digital Resources
We offer an array of digital resources, ranging from e-books and audiobooks to streaming video, popular magazine, comic books, and more.
Learn more about our digital resources.

Reserve a Room
We provide free or low-cost spaces for meetings and community events.
Rules of Conduct
By entering the Kellogg-Hubbard Library, you agree to follow our rules of conduct.