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Book Sale

Book sale

In the KHL Book Sale, located in the first floor Reading Room, you will find gently used books, audiobooks, CDs, and DVDs, all at a bargain price! Come shop the sale during all open library hours.

All proceeds from the sale help to fund the library’s programming and services.



  • Hardcover: $4
  • Paperback: $3
  • Mass Market Paperback: $1
  • Specialty Books: As marked

Young Adult

  • Hardcover: $4
  • Paperback: $3


  • Hardcover: $3
  • Paperback: $2
  • Board Book: $1


  • DVD: $3
  • CD: $3
  • Audiobook: $3
  • Boxed Set: As marked

Book Sale purchases should be paid for at the Main Circulation Desk. We can accept cash, check, credit cards, and contactless payments. All sales are final.


The library regularly hosts book sale donation events. Bring your gently used books, audiobooks, DVDs, and CDs for the library to sell. Donations are limited to one box per family each donation event.

Please see the full list of donation guidelines below.

Next Donation Event: Wednesday, January 22, 4-6PM

Thank you for your generosity! Need to donate books sooner than our next donation day? Check with the Aldrich Library in Barre, the Waterbury Library, Goodwill in Williston and/or ReSource in Barre (though not all of these places take donations all of the time either). If all else fails, paperback books can be recycled and the text block of hardcover books can be recycled once the hard covers are removed. 

Donation Guidelines

Donations are limited to one box per family each donation drop-off day.

All items must be in suitable condition to resell.

Your donation is tax-deductible. If you would like a donation receipt and to be acknowledged for your in-kind donation, please fill out a donation form and deliver it with your donation on donation drop-off day.

Items we DO NOT accept:

  • Books in poor condition: mold/mildew, torn pages, water damage, etc.
  • School Textbooks
  • Dictionaries
  • Encyclopedias
  • Advanced Reader Copies/Uncorrected Proofs
  • Readers’ Digest Condensed Books
  • Cassette Tapes
  • VHS Tapes
  • Vinyl Records
  • Puzzles & Games
  • Notebooks
  • Magazines
  • Books featuring outdated information (ex. health books or travel guides published before 2014)

Volunteer at the Book Sale

We are always looking for helping hands with sorting and restocking the book sale. If interested, please fill out a volunteer application.