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The Crescent Moon Tearoom (SF SIVINSKY)We Will Be Jaguars (BIO NENQUIMO)Fire Cider! (641.64 G)Those Opulent Days (M PHAM)

Here are the new additions to the Adult collection in December 2024.

Printable list:

New Books — January 2025



113 K The serviceberry : abundance and reciprocity in the natural world Kimmerer, Robin Wall
153 N Consciousness is all there is : Nader, Tony
305.8 Y Requiem for the massacre : Young, R. J.
641.64 G Fire cider! : 101 zesty recipes for health-boosting remedies made with apple cider vinegar Gladstar, Rosemary
808.83 B The Black Lizard Big Book of Locked-Room Mysteries :
811.6 S Mountain spells:  poems St. Negriitude, Toussaint
914.11 S Rick Steves best of Scotland / Steves, Rick,
973.099 C Life after power : Cohen, Jared,
973.099 P Dinner with the president : Prud’homme, Alex
973.934 W War Woodward, Bob



BIO MARX Growing up with Chico Marx, Maxine
BIO NENQUIMO We will be jaguars : a memoir of my people Nenquimo, Nemonte



F BALDACCI To die for : A 6:20 man thriller Baldacci, David
F BOYD Gabriel’s moon : a novel Boyd, William
F CHARLES Death in the spires Charles, KJ
F CLARKE The wood at midwinter Clarke, Susanna
F CONSTANTINE The senator’s wife : [a novel] Constantine, Liv
F CRONIN The one hundred years of Lenni and Margot : a novel Cronin, Marianne
F ELLIS Black days:  a novel Ellis, Jackson
F GREENE The lake of lost girls : a novel Greene, Katherine
F HARKAWAY Karla’s choice : a John le Carré novel Harkaway, Nick
F HENRY O. Henry at the holidays / Henry, O.,
F HIAASEN Double whammy / Hiaasen, Carl,
F HOWARD The other valley : Howard, Scott Alexander,
F KIM City of night birds : a novel Kim, Juhea
F MACOMBER A Christmas duet : a novel Macomber, Debbie
F MARGOLIN An insignificant case : a thriller Margolin, Phillip
F MITCHELL The vanishing generation Mitchell, Irene Musillo
F MORRISON The bluest eye : a novel Morrison, Toni
F MURAKAMI The city and its uncertain walls Murakami, Haruki
F PERRY Water finds a way : a novel Perry, Meghan
F POOLEY How to age disgracefully Pooley, Clare
F RIEGER Like mother, like mother : a novel Rieger, Susan
F SANTOS A tale of transformation Santos, Peter.



M ALLINGHAM The case of the late pig Allingham, Margery
M BIVALD The murders in Great Diddling : Bivald, Katarina,
M BOWEN We three queens Bowen, Rhys
M BOWEN The edge of dreams / Bowen, Rhys,
M BOWEN The ghost of Christmas past / Bowen, Rhys,
M BOWEN Away in a manger / Bowen, Rhys.
M EMERSON Exposure Emerson, Ramona
M EVANOVICH Now or never : thirty-one on the run Evanovich, Janet
M FOUNTAIN The fan who knew too much Fountain, Nev
M GRIFFITHS The man in black and other stories Griffiths, Elly
M JOHNSON Tooth and claw Johnson, Craig
M LUPICA Robert B. Parker’s hot property Lupica, Mike
M MCKINLAY A merry little murder plot McKinlay, Jenn
M PHAM Those opulent days : a mystery Pham, Jacquie
M STOUT Might as well be dead Stout, Rex
M STOUT The league of frightened men Stout, Rex



SF COGMAN The burning page Cogman, Genevieve
SF COGMAN The masked city : an invisible library novel Cogman, Genevieve
SF ROTHFUSS The narrow road between desires / Rothfuss, Patrick,
SF SIVINSKY The Crescent Moon Tearoom : a novel Sivinski, Stacy



CD M PENNY The grey wolf : a novel Penny, Louise



DVD ACTION AIR Air Force One [videorecording] Ford, Harrison
DVD COMEDY GRE Green for danger
DVD COMEDY HOR The horse’s mouth [videorecording] Bryan, John
DVD COMEDY LIT Little Miss Sunshine Dayton, Jonathan.
DVD COMEDY MON Monkey business
DVD COMEDY NIG Night on earth Elmes, Frederick
DVD COMEDY NUT The nutty professor Glucksman, Ernest D.
DVD COMEDY O O lucky man! [videorecording] Medwin, Michael
DVD COMEDY SUL Sullivan’s travels Jones, Paul
DVD COMEDY WHI Lo sceicco bianco
DVD COMEDY WIT Withnail and I [videorecording] Heller, Paul M.
DVD DOC ALI Alias Nick & Nora. Kline, Kevin.
DVD DOC ROG Roger & me Moore, Michael
DVD DOC THE Thelonious Monk [videorecording] : straight no chaser Eastwood, Clint
DVD DOC WHE When you’re strange : a film about the Doors DiCillo, Tom.
DVD DRAMA BRU Brute force [videorecording] Hellinger, Mark
DVD DRAMA FEW A few good men Reiner, Rob
DVD DRAMA HOW Howards end /
DVD DRAMA MAL Mala noche =
DVD DRAMA MAL The Maltese falcon
DVD DRAMA NEV Never let me go [videorecording] Fleming, Rachael
DVD DRAMA NEW The new world [videorecording] Malick, Terrence
DVD DRAMA NIG La notte di San Lorenzo [videorecording] = The night of the shooting stars Taviani, Paolo
DVD DRAMA NIG The night of the iguana [videorecording] Veiller, Anthony
DVD DRAMA OLD Old joy [videorecording] Knudsen, Lars.
DVD DRAMA OLI Oliver! Wolf, John.
DVD DRAMA OUT Out of the past Duff, Warren
DVD DRAMA ROM Romeo and Juliet Zeffirelli, Franco.
DVD DRAMA ROO Room at the top Clayton, Jack
DVD DRAMA ROO A room with a view  [videorecording] Forster, E. M.
DVD DRAMA RUS Russkij kovcheg [videorecording] = Russian ark Sokurov, Aleksandr
DVD DRAMA VIR The virgin spring
DVD DRAMA WHA What’s eating Gilbert Grape Matalon, David
DVD DRAMA WHI Trois couleurs, blanc = Three colors, white Kieslowski, Krzysztof
DVD DRAMA WIN The wind rises [videorecording] Suzuki, Toshio
DVD DRAMA YOU Young Sherlock Holmes
DVD HORROR HOU The hound of the Baskervilles /
DVD HORROR NIG Night of the living dead Russo, John
DVD SF FAN Fantastic voyage
DVD SF HIT The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy /
DVD SF MOO Mood indigo
DVD SF NIG Night skies Knyrim, Roy.
DVD THRILLER FAL The fallen idol Reed, Carol
DVD THRILLER HOU House by the river
DVD THRILLER MIN The mind benders Coop, Denys
DVD THRILLER MYS Mystery train Stark, Jim
DVD THRILLER NAM The name of the rose Eco, Umberto
DVD THRILLER SUS Suspicion Bruce, Nigel
DVD THRILLER WIL Wild at heart Lynch, David
DVD TV SERIES AGA Agatha Christie’s Partners in crime Raine, Jessica
DVD TV SERIES COL Columbo : the complete fourth season Falk, Peter
DVD TV SERIES COL Columbo. The complete 6th and 7th seasons Falk, Peter
DVD TV SERIES COL Columbo. The complete fifth season Falk, Peter
DVD TV SERIES DOC Doctor Who. The five doctors Davison, Peter
DVD TV SERIES DOC Doctor Who. Genesis of the daleks. The Tom Baker years 1974-1981 Hinchcliffe, Philip.
DVD TV SERIES MON Monty Python’s flying circus MacNaughton, Ian
DVD TV SERIES MON Monty Python’s flying circus. DVD disc 6 MacNaughton, Ian.
DVD TV SERIES OFF The office. The complete second series Atalla, Ash
DVD TV SERIES OFF The office Atalla, Ash.
DVD TV SERIES OFF The office special Gervais, Ricky.
DVD TV SERIES ONL Only murders in the building.  seasons 1-3 Hoffman, John



CLOSED MONDAY, JANUARY 20 FOR MLK DAY. Our new catalog is live! As part of the transfer, your catalog password has been changed to the last 4 digits of your phone number.