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Deep Water by Jamie SumnerAhoy! by Sophie BlackallThe Wolf Effect by Roseanne ParryMountain of Fire by Rebecca Barone

Here are the new additions to the Children’s collection in July 2024.


jBOARDBOOK K Baa baa black sheep Kubler, Annie
jBOARDBOOK K Itsy bitsy spider Kubler, Annie
jBOARDBOOK K Twinkle twinkle, little star Kubler, Annie



jE 153.7 W Are you small? Willems, Mo
jE 333.95 N Save our seeds : protecting plants for the future Normandeau, Sheryl
jE 372.47 E How your brain learns to read Eide, Denise
jE 468 T iFiesta! = A festival of colors Tonatiuh, Duncan
jE 580 H Can you hear the plants speak? Hummingbird, Nicholas
jE 598.4 S Finding family : the duckling raised by loons Salas, Laura Purdie
jE 599.773 P The wolf effect : a wilderness revival story Parry, Rosanne
jE 793.3 N Tala learns to siva Netane, Kealani
jE 796.42 C Daughter of the light-footed people : the story of indigenous marathon champion Lorena Ramairez Cabot, Belen Medina
jE 811.6 L Animals in pants Levinson, Suzy
jE 811.6 S Queer and fearless : poems celebrating the lives of LGBTQ+ heroes Sanders, Rob
jE 940.53 T My lost freedom : a Japanese American WWII story Takei, George



jE BIO BRAILLE Six dots : a story of young Louis Braille Bryant, Jen
jE BIO COONEY Because Barbara : Barbara Cooney paints her world Mackenzie, Sarah
jE BIO HERC When the Beat was Born : DJ Kool Herc and the Creation of Hip Hop Hill, Laban Carrick
jE BIO HERNANDEZ As the seas rise : Nicole Hernández Hammer and the fight for climate justice Quezada Padron, Angela
jE BIO HERNANDEZ As the seas rise : Nicole Hernández Hammer and the fight for climate justice Quezada Padron, Angela,
jE BIO JOHNSON Miles of style : Eunice W. Johnson and the Ebony Fashion Fair Brathwaite, Lisa D.
jE BIO RUMI Rumi : poet of joy and love Kheiriyeh, Rashin



jE ABE The book that almost rhymed Abed, Omar
jE ARN Mr. S Arnaldo, Monica
jE BLA Ahoy! Blackall, Sophie
jE CAR The squish Carzoo, Breanna
jE CUM Dalmartian : a Mars Rover’s story Cummins, Lucy Ruth
jE CUR Summer’s magic Curtice, Kaitlin B.
jE DAV Peaches Davis, Gabriele
jE DOE The rabbit listened Doerrfeld, Cori
jE FRO Frozen storybook collection. Ilnitzki, Megan
jE GAD Minivan mix-up Gaddis, Juliana
jE GRA Circle of love Gray Smith, Monique
jE HAY A place for feelings Haydu, Corey Ann
jE HEN Finding things Henkes, Kevin
jE HIG Beach bummer Higgins, Ryan T.
jE HO We who produce pearls Ho, Joanna
jE HO Two New Years Ho, Richard
jE HOY How Lucky Am I? Hoying, Scott
jE JEN A big day for bike Jenkins, Emily
jE KAT A love letter to my library Katzenberger, Lisa
jE LAV Duck duck taco truck Lavoie, Laura
jE LE Built to last Lê, Minh
jE LOW The pie reports Lowe, Hayley
jE LU Bao’s Doll Lu, Bo.
jE MAE Mae P Mae
jE MCQ Lola meets the bees McQuinn, Anna
jE MO Home in a lunchbox Mo, Cherry
jE NOR Abuela’s library Norman, Lissette
jE OFE Miguel must fight! Ofelia, Jamie
jE PET Pete the cat screams for ice cream! Dean, Kim
jE PET Sandcastles are forever Peterson, Ellie
jE PIN Brandon and the baby Pinkney, J. Brian
jE POR Not-a-box city Portis, Antoinette
jE RHO Soul step Rhodes, Jewell Parker
jE ROG When we gather = (Ostadahlisiha) : a Cherokee tribal feast Rogers, Andrea L.
jE ROT Bubble Gum Bison needs a bath Rothman, Scott
jE RUB The truth about the couch Rubin, Adam
jE RYL Hornbeam gets it done Rylant, Cynthia
jE SAE Zuni and the memory jar Saeed, Aisha
jE SEA My Daddy Is a Cowboy Seales, Stephanie
jE SHU Anzu the great listener Shum, Benson
jE SIC If you spot a shell Sicuro, Aimée
jE SRI The spice box Sriram, Meera
jE SUP DC super heroes storybook collection Sazaklis, John.
jE TAB Ursula upside down Tabor, Corey R.
jE THO Sister friend Thompkins-Bigelow, Jamilah
jE TUR Tate’s wild rescue Turnbull, Jenny
jE WAL Ode to a bad day Wallace, Chelsea Lin
jE WAT Summer is here Watson, Renée
jE WEB More dung! : a beetle tale Weber, Frank
jE WEN Two together Wenzel, Brendan
jE WIN Bird rehearsal Winter, Jonah
jE ZIE Really Bird, really scared! Ziefert, Harriet



jBEG BIO BLUME Who is Judy Blume? Anderson, Kirsten
jBEG BIO BRAILLE Who was Louis Braille? Frith, Margaret
jBEG DIC Orris and Timble : the beginning DiCamillo, Kate
jBEG ELL Bo and the witch Elliott, Rebecca
jBEG ELL Bo and the witch Elliott, Rebecca,
jBEG FIE The 2nd big big book of Tashi Fienberg, Anna.
jBEG KID Rohan Murthy has a plan LaRocca, Rajani
jBEG STY The soccer ball monster mystery Styles, Walker
jBEG TAN Invasion of the pugs Tan, Susan



j055.42 N How to be a person Newman, Catherine
j155.9 M All about grief McKinney, Lora-Ellen
j546.8 D My book of the elements Dingle, Adrian
j551.21 B Mountain of fire : the eruption and survivors of Mount St. Helens Barone, Rebecca E. F.
j636.1 M My book of horses and ponies Maxwell, Abi
j636.752 W The complete golden retriever handbook Whitwam, Linda
j636.8 G Can’t get enough cat stuff : fun facts, awesome info, cool games, silly jokes, and more! Grunbaum, Mara
j641.5 G Minecraft : the crafter’s kitchen : an official cookbook for young chefs and their families Granof, Victoria
j641.5 L The unofficial Minecraft cookbook : 30 recipes inspired by your favorite video game Lalbaltry, Juliette
j641.5 O Cooking with my dad, the chef Oringer, Verveine
j641.5 R My Pokémon cookbook : delicious recipes inspired by Pikachu and friends Rosenthal, Victoria
j641.5 S The ChopChop family cookbook : real food to cook and eat together Sampson, Sally
j741.2 B Pokémon : how to draw adventures Barbo, Maria S.
j784.19 K Sounds good! : discover 50 instruments Könnecke, Ole
j793.932 P Guess the Pokémon Dakin, Glenn
j793.932 P Pmon Alola Region handbook. Scholastic Inc.
j793.932 W Pokémon visual companion Whitehill, Simcha
j909.2 B History Channel. This day in history for kids : 1001 remarkable moments and fascinating facts Bova, Dan
j917.3 W America’s national parks Ward, Alexa
j998 N My Antarctica : true adventures in the land of mummified seals, space robots, and so much more Neri, Greg



j741.5 A Sweet Valley twins : best friends Andelfinger, Nicole
j741.5 A Sweet Valley twins : the haunted house Andelfinger, Nicole
j741.5 A Animal Rescue Friends. 3, Learning new tricks Goerz, Gillian
j741.5 A Animal rescue friends : friends fur-ever Tropper, Jana
j741.5 B The last comics on Earth : too many villains! Brallier, Max
j741.5 B Plain Jane and the mermaid Brosgol, Vera
j741.5 B Bad Kitty makes a movie Bruel, Nick
j741.5 B Baby-sitters little sister. Karen’s sleepover : a graphic novel Farina, Katy
j741.5 C The new girl Calin, Cassandra
j741.5 C The sisters: 3-in-1. Vol. 1 Cazenove
j741.5 C The sisters: 3-in-1. Vol. 2 Cazenove
j741.5 C Cat ninja : cat’s claw Cody, Matthew
j741.5 D Sink or swim Durfey-Lavoie, Lee
j741.5 G Making friends : together forever Gudsnuk, Kristen
j741.5 H The mighty bite. 2, Walrus brawl at the mall Hale, Nathan
j741.5 K Summer vamp Karim, Violet Chan
j741.5 K Table Titans Club Kurtz, Scott R.
j741.5 K Pokémon adventures. 01 Kusaka, Hidenori
j741.5 K Pokémon adventures. 08 Kusaka, Hidenori
j741.5 L Jurassic Jeff. 2, Race to warp speed Lepp, Royden
j741.5 M Design a game! Wolf, Bree
j741.5 M Live sustainably! Boyle, Angela
j741.5 M Grow a garden! Frederick-Frost, Alexis
j741.5 M Survive in the outdoors! Lawrence, Mike
j741.5 P Mouse Guard. Legends of the Guard Petersen, David
j741.5 P Lightfall. Book 3, The dark times Probert, Tim
j741.5 S Unicorn crush : another Phoebe and her unicorn adventure Simpson, Dana
j741.5 S Geronimo Stilton reporter. #16, Mr. and Mrs. Matched Stilton, Geronimo
j741.5 T I survived the battle of D-Day, 1944 Ball, Georgia
j741.5 V Detective Sweet Pea: the case of the golden bone Varon, Sara
j741.5 W Lunar boy Wibowo, Jessica
j741.5 Y Paula Danziger’s Amber Brown is not a crayon : the graphic novel Ying, Victoria



jF AND Keep it like a secret Anderson, John David
jF APP The one and only family Applegate, Katherine
jF BAC Fall of the robots Bacon, Lee
jF BRA The night war Bradley, Kimberly Brubaker
jF CLI Bridge to bat city : a mostly true tall tale… Cline, Ernest
jF COL Roswell Johnson saves the world! Colfer, Chris
jF DAY They call me No Sam! Daywalt, Drew
jF DIM The perilous performance at Milkweed Meadow Dimopoulos, Elaine
jF GID Max in the house of spies Gidwitz, Adam
jF GRE Fortune tellers Greenwald, Lisa
jF GRI The 169-story treehouse Griffiths, Andy
jF GUT The (mostly) true story of Cleopatra’s needle Gutman, Dan
jF HAM Sam(ira)’s worst (best) summer Hamza, Nina
jF JON Howl’s moving castle Jones, Diana Wynne.
jF KEL The secret language of birds Kelly, Lynne
jF LEE The last Rhee witch Lee-Yun, Jenna
jF LEP Ash and Pikachu’s adventures Lepera, Stefania
jF LOW Tree. Table. Book. Lowry, Lois
jF MAG The secret library Magoon, Kekla
jF MAU Lei and the fire goddess Maunakea, Malia
jF MCD Trouble at the Tangerine McDunn, Gillian
jF SEI Horse girl Seim, Carrie
jF SUM Deep water Sumner, Jamie
jF TAL The boo hag flex Ireland, Justina
jF WIL Mid-Air Williams, Alicia
jSERIES FLA Return of the Temujai Flanagan, John
jSERIES HUN The lightning path Hunter, Erin
jSERiES HUN Wind Hunter, Erin



jPARENT 371.91 S Overcoming dyslexia : a major update and revision of the essential program for reading problems at any level, incorporating the latest breakthroughs in science, educational methods, technology, and legal accommodations Shaywitz, Sally E.
jPARENT 372.4 S Structured literacy interventions : teaching students with reading difficulties, grades K-6 Spear-Swerling, Louise
jPARENT 372.44 B Bringing words to life : robust vocabulary instruction Beck, Isabel L
jPARENT 372.46 H Unlocking literacy : effective decoding & spelling instruction Henry, Marcia Kierland
jPARENT 372.6 M Speech to print : language essentials for teachers Moats, Louisa Cook
jPARENT 418.4 W Reader, come home : the reading brain in a digital world Wolf, Maryanne
jPARENT 428 E Uncovering the logic of English : a common-sense approach to reading, spelling, and literacy Eide, Denise
jPARENT 612.8 W Proust and the squid : the story and science of the reading brain Wolf, Maryanne.
jPARENT 649.62 O Go diaper free: a simple handbook for elimination communication Olson, Andrea
jPARENT 741.5 A Proxy mom:  my experience with postpartum depression Adriansen, Sophie



jGAME INS Instant insanity. Winning Moves, Inc.