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Watercolor paintings of crow, owl, beetleOf Snakes and Birds and Crawling Things
On display in the Kitzmiller Fiction Room through June

This collection has culminated over the past several years beginning in 2020. I had been painting for several years, but during Covid lockdown in Northeast Philadelphia I began to pour even more time into my art. Growing up in an urban environment left me craving nature and peace, which I found through watercolor art and hiking. The exhibit is titled “Of Snakes and Birds and Crawling Things.”

Birds are my biggest inspiration in this collection. The majesty of their flight and their beauty in stillness is awe inspiring, and I have often felt a sort of spiritual connection to birds of prey. I have also had a growing adoration for insects. Two insects appear in this collection. One is inspired by a Pennsylvania Black Beetle I watched crawling while high on weed in a local Northeast Philadelphia park. The second moth was painted here in Montpelier. It was inspired by a dead moth found on my windowsill, and I found it lying on its back with its legs folded up in what looked like the classic yoga pose, lotus position. Finally, I have a special space in my collection for two snakes and a special amphibian, the Vietnamese mossy frog. One snake is a Green Tree Python, the other is a rattlesnake. Snakes are inspirations of strength and respect for me.

Elizabeth Lucas is a gender fluid artist living in Montpelier, Vermont. They are 23 years old and a student at the University of Vermont studying Anthropology. They have been painting with watercolors since 12 years old growing up in Northeast Philadelphia, where painting nature was a source of peace and serenity in a city environment dominated by concrete. Elizabeth makes art whenever they can as a student, and also loves to make personalized watercolor greeting cards. Feel free to contact them at with questions about their work or inquiries for commissions!


Kids Create Art Show
On display in the Children’s Library through June

View creative artwork made by kids at the art tables in the Children’s Library!


T.W. Wood Satellite Exhibit
Mary Admasian: Scraps With Nature
On display in the main staircase

After the Henhouse Visit by Mary AdmasianThe TW Wood Gallery is pleased to present Scraps With Nature featuring the works of Mary Admasian. Scraps With Nature is a collection of constructed paintings, sculptures and assemblages, mostly made from reclaimed wood, layered plywood, barbed wire, rusted metal, bandsaw blades, gold wire, stones, gems, glass beads, acrylic paint, and graphite.

Admasian lives in E. Montpelier Vermont and is a native of Detroit, Michigan. She is an established multidisciplinary artist, curator, and marketing consultant for arts organizations and socially responsible businesses. Her works have been exhibited nationally and in the collections of colleges, institutions, and prominent art collectors.

“I encourage the viewer to arrive at a place where they create their own interpretation of what is before them.” –Mary Admasian

View the full exhibit at the T.W. Wood Nuquist Gallery.