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We are so excited to welcome you to our new website and to introduce our refreshed brand identity. One of the key goals of our 2023-2025 Strategic Plan is to provide easy access to a high-quality and robust collection of information and media resources and services to people of all backgrounds. Our new website aims to provide an easier and more convenient way for you to access library resources, find what you’re looking for, and keep in touch with the library. We are continually making improvements to the website, so please reach out with any feedback! 

Our new look aims to present a more modern and welcoming presence for the library. We hope that our updated feel and brighter colors will let everyone know that we are a friendly and empowering home for learning where people of all ages and backgrounds are welcome. We look forward to rolling out the new look across all our materials soon. And stay tuned for an opportunity to help name our mouse friend, who appears in our new Children’s Library logo!  

We are also working on a plan for new signage throughout the building to help you find your way around the library and take advantage of all we have to offer. 

Thank you to the team at Pluck for their great work on this project, and to the Network of the National Library of Medicine for their financial support. 

This project has been funded in part with federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, under Cooperative Agreement UG4LM012347 with the University of Massachusetts, Worcester.

Our new catalog is live! As part of the transfer, your catalog password has been changed to the last 4 digits of your phone number.