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Here are the new additions to the Adult collection in May 2024.


071.47 The Times : how the newspaper of record survived scandal, scorn, and the transformation of journalism Nagourney, Adam
158.1 S Your heart was made for this : contemplative practices for meeting a world in crisis with courage, integrity, and love Sofer, Oren Jay
305.3 B Who’s afraid of gender? Butler, Judith
305.31 R Of boys and men : why the modern male is struggling, why it matters, and what to do about It Reeves, Richard V.
305.9 M Unshrinking : how to face fatphobia Manne, Kate
306.2 M We’ve got issues : how you can stand strong for America’s soul and sanity McGraw, Phillip C.
306.84 F Polywise: A Deeper Dive Into Navigating Open Relationships Fern, Jessica.
320.97 M Attack from within : how disinformation is sabotaging America McQuade, Barbara
338.4 S Burn book : a tech love story Swisher, Kara
362.108 C All in her head : the truth and lies early medicine taught us about women’s bodies and why it matters today Comen, Elizabeth
364.15 A We were once a family : a story of love, death, and child removal in America Asgarian, Roxanna
491.8 C Complete Croatian Norris, David.
598.07 O Birding to change the world : a memoir O’Kane, Trish
613 W Balance your hormones, balance your life : achieving optimal health and wellness through ayurveda, Chinese medicine, and Western science Welch, Claudia
615.3 F The land in our bones : plantcestral herbalism and healing cultures from Syria to the Sinai Feghali, Layla K.
616.89 M Decolonizing therapy : oppression, historical trauma, and politicizing your practice Mullan, Jennifer
641.5 D Health nut : a feel-good cookbook Damuck, Jess
641.56 O Plants-only kitchen : over 70 delicious, super -simple, powerful & protein-packed recipes for busy people Oakley, Gaz
641.59 S The rise : Black cooks and the soul of American food Samuelsson, Marcus
643.7 B Ultimate guide : home repair and improvement Byers, Charles
782.42 B All you need is love : the Beatles in their own words Brown, Peter
796.32 A There’s always this year : on basketball and ascension Abdurraqib, Hanif
796.34 G Pickleball Mindset: The Blueprint for Peak Performance Gingrich, Dayne
811.6 C Solitary Moon: New Waka. Cooper, Seiso Paul
811.6 R Not a Single Soul Showed Up: A Humorous Look at Life in the Library. Ramos, Jane Napier.
818.607 H Alphabetical diaries Heti, Sheila
910.92 S The wide wide sea : imperial ambition, first contact and the fateful final voyage of Captain James Cook Sides, Hampton
914.15 S Rick Steves Ireland Steves, Rick
942.009 G Normal women : 900 years of making history Gregory, Philippa
973.7 I Differ we must : how Lincoln succeeded in a divided America Inskeep, Steve
973.7 L The demon of unrest : a saga of hubris, heartbreak, and heroism at the dawn of the Civil War Larson, Erik



741.5 B The Marvels Project: Birth of the super heroes Brubaker, Ed.
741.5 H Iron Fist : heart of the dragon Hama, Larry



BIO COLDSTREAM Cloistered : my years as a nun Coldstream, Catherine
BIO FORD One way back : a memoir Ford, Christine Blasey
BIO FULLER Fi : a memoir Fuller, Alexandra
BIO GIBSON Serving herself : the life and times of Althea Gibson Brown, Ashley
BIO GOODWIN An unfinished love story : a personal history of the 1960s Goodwin, Doris Kearns
BIO RUSHDIE Knife : meditations after an attempted murder Rushdie, Salman



F ALVAREZ The cemetery of untold stories : a novel Alvarez, Julia
F BALDACCI A calamity of souls Baldacci, David
F BARDUGO The familiar Bardugo, Leigh
F BURR The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers : a novel Burr, Samuel
F CLEETON The house on Biscayne Bay Cleeton, Chanel
F CLINCH The general and Julia : a novel Clinch, Jon
F ENGER I cheerfully refuse Enger, Leif
F ERLICK The measure : a novel Erlick, Nikki
F GRAMAZIO The husbands Gramazio, Holly
F HENRY Funny story Henry, Emily
F HEPWORTH Darling girls Hepworth, Sally
F HUANG The emperor and the endless palace Huang, Justinian
F KHONG Real Americans Khong, Rachel
F KIM The stone home : a novel Kim, Crystal Hana
F KUANG How to end a love story : a novel Kuang, Yulin
F LANGAN A better world : a novel Langan, Sarah
F LATTIMORE All we were promised : a novel Lattimore, Ashton
F LIVESEY The road from Belhaven Livesey, Margot
F MA-KELLAMS The band : a novel Ma-Kellams, Christine
F MCALLISTER Just another missing person McAllister, Gillian
F MEDINA Indian burial ground Medina, Nick
F ORDORICA How we named the stars Ordorica, Andres N.
F PATTERSON The murder inn Patterson, James
F RIORDAN The north line : a novel Riordan, Matt
F ROSE Home is where the bodies are Rose, Jeneva
F RULFO Pedro Paramo Rulfo, Juan
F RUNYX Gothikana RuNyx
F SANDFORD Toxic prey Sandford, John
F SERLE Expiration dates Serle, Rebecca
F SHEARER River sing me home Shearer, Eleanor
F TOWLES Table for two : fictions Towles, Amor
F WESTERBEKE A short walk through a wide world : a novel Westerbeke, Douglas
F WINSLOW City in ruins Winslow, Don
F WRIGHT The rent collector : a novel Wright, Camron Steve



M BROWN Blue song, far shimmer :   a Liam Dutra New England mystery Brown, Kevin Macneil.
M BROWN Range, Divide, and Endless Sky : a Liam Dutra New England mystery Brown, Kevin Macneil.
M BROWN The Country Beyond Words :  a Liam Dutra New England mystery Brown, Kevin Macneil.
M CONNELLY The black echo Connelly, Michael
M CONNELLY The black ice Connelly, Michael
M CORN A pipe for February : a novel Red Corn, Charles H.
M DOUAIHY Blessed water Douaihy, Margot
M FERGUSON I only read murder Ferguson, Ian
M GARDNER Still see you everywhere Gardner, Lisa
M GARRETT Missing white women Garrett, Kellye.
M HILLERMAN Lost birds Hillerman, Anne
M MACK Every time I go on vacation, someone dies : a novel Mack, Catherine
M MOSLEY Trouble is what I do Mosley, Walter
M NATT OCH DAG 1794 : the city between the bridges : a novel Natt och Dag, Niklas
M NATT OCH DAG 1975 : the order of the furies 1795 Natt och Dag, Niklas
M PARETSKY Pay dirt Paretsky, Sara
M RAYBOURN A grave robbery Raybourn, Deanna
M TUDOR The gathering : a novel Tudor, C. J.



SF BARNES Ghost station Barnes, S. A.
SF CURTIS Floating hotel Curtis, Grace
SF JENSEN A fate inked in blood Jensen, Danielle L.
SF NOVIK Crucible of gold Novik, Naomi



CD M CONNELLY Desert star Connelly, Michael



DVD 709.7 A Art 21 : art in the twenty-first century. Season eight Nelson, Stanley
DVD 709.7 A Art 21 : art in the twenty-first century. Season seven Sollins, Susan
DVD 709.7 A Art:21: art in the twenty-first century. Season six Sollins, Susan
DVD DRAMA SIL The silence of the lambs Demme, Jonathan
DVD TV SERIES BON Bones. The complete seventh season Boreanaz, David
DVD TV SERIES LWO The L word. Season One Chaiken, Ilene
DVD TV SERIES REA Reacher. Season one Santora, Nick



VERMONT 361.7 T MSAC Capital Campaign Blog Troester, Robert.
VERMONT 595.78 T Butterflies of Vermont and their Host Plants Taylor, Kate
VERMONT 811.6 W Fire on a Circle : poems Ward, Kim.
VERMONT 917.43 F Scenes from Vermont’s 251 Towns Farnsworth, Esther
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