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Here are the new additions to the Adult collection in April 2024.


006.309 M Genius makers : the mavericks who brought AI to Google, Facebook, and the world Metz, Cade
153.1 P Why we remember : unlocking memory’s power to hold on to what matters Ranganath, Charan
153.6 D Supercommunicators : how to unlock the secret language of connection Duhigg, Charles
155.9 C Grief is for people Crosley, Sloane
158.1 N The 5 resets : rewire your brain and body for less stress and more resilience Nerurkar, Aditi
305.8 H The end of race politics : arguments for a colorblind America Hughes, Coleman
333.95 G Eager : the surprising, secret life of beavers and why they matter Goldfarb, Ben
345.7302 D The beginning and end of rape : confronting sexual violence in Native America Deer, Sarah
362.1 P Truth & beauty : a friendship Patchett, Ann
363.7 D The petroleum papers : inside the far-right conspiracy to cover up climate change Dembicki, Geoff
523.8 T Starborn : how the stars made us (and who we would be without them) Trotta, Roberto
582.16 P A field guide to eastern trees : eastern United States and Canada, including the Midwest Petrides, George A.
616.85 V The body keeps the score : brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma Van der Kolk, Bessel A.,
618.9289 S Bad therapy : why the kids aren’t growing up Shrier, Abigail
741.5 U Eve Una
791.4 G Cocktails with George and Martha : movies, marriage, and the making of Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf? Gefter, Philip
808.84 L Snapshots of a Life Libertoff, Ken.
809.9 C The Weird Sister collection :|bwriting at the intersections of feminism, literature, and pop culture Crawford, Marisa
811 A This is the honey : an anthology of contemporary Black poets Alexander, Kwame,
811.6 H Belonging: Three Generations Hoffman, Wendy.
821.3 T Shakespeare’s sisters : how women wrote the Renaissance Targoff, Ramie
908.9 G The Black box : writing the race Gates, Henry Louis
914.5 F Fodor’s Essential Italy Andrews, Robert
917.41 N Maine Nangle, Hilary.
940.54 B The mosquito bowl : a game of life and death in World War II Bissinger, Buzz
944.04 D The revolutionary temper : Paris, 1748-1789 Darnton, Robert.
  SF GREER Annie bot : a novel Greer, Sierra



DVD ACTION DEA Deadpool 2 Leitch, David
DVD COMEDY HAR Harold and Maude [DVD] Ashby, Hal.
DVD DOC HOW How to survive a plague [videorecording] Staley, Peter.
DVD DRAMA EAT Eat drink man woman [videorecording] Mader
DVD TV SERIES DUR The Durrells in Corfu. The complete fourth season
DVD TV SERIES MUR Murder by the book. The complete first season [vidorecording] Kellerman, Faye
DVD TV SERIES MUR Murder by the book. The complete first season [vidorecording] Kellerman, Faye
DVD TV SERIES SOP The Sopranos. The complete first season Sopranos
DVD TV SERIES SOP The Sopranos The complete second season [videorecording] Sopranos
DVD TV SERIES SOP The Sopranos [videorecording] : the complete third season Gandolfini, James
DVD TV SERIES SOP The Sopranos. The complete fourth season Chase, David
DVD TV SERIES SOP The Sopranos. The complete fifth season Chase, David
DVD TV SERIES SOP The Sopranos. Season six, part 2 Gandolfini, James.
DVD TV SERIES SOP The Sopranos. Season six, part I Gandolfini, James.



BIO AGUIRRE Something fierce : memoirs of a revolutionary daughter Aguirre, Carmen
BIO FOLEY American mother McCann, Colum
BIO HARDIN The many lives of Mama Love Hardin, Lara Love
BIO HARING Radiant : the life and line of Keith Haring Gooch, Brad
BIO LIEU The manicurist’s daughter : a memoir Lieu, Susan
BIO RU PAUL The house of hidden meanings : a memoir RuPaul



F BENEDICT The first ladies Benedict, Marie
F BOHJALIAN The princess of Las Vegas Bohjalian, Chris
F EVERETT James : a novel Everett, Percival
F GOZALEZ Anita de Monte laughs last Gonzalez, Xochitl
F HANNAH The nightingale Hannah, Kristin,
F HANNAH The women Hannah, Kristin,
F HANNAH The women Hannah, Kristin,
F HARDING This other Eden : a novel Harding, Paul,
F HENRIQUEZ The great divide : a novel Henriquez, Cristina
F JOELLA A quiet life : a novel Joella, Ethan
F LENNON Glorious exploits Lennon, Ferdia.
F LOVERING Bye, baby : a novel Lovering, Carola
F MASON North woods : a novel Mason, Daniel
F MCFADDEN The housemaid McFadden, Freida
F MCFADDEN The housemaid’s secret McFadden, Freida
F MESSINA The phone booth at the edge of the world Messina, Laura Imai,
F MILLER The curse of Pietro Houdini : a novel Miller, Derek B.
F PATTERSON 23 1/2 lies : thrillers Patterson, James,
F PATTERSON The #1 lawyer Patterson, James
F PATTERSON Holmes, Marple & Poe Patterson, James
F QUINN The Phoenix crown : a novel Quinn, Kate,
F QUINN The Whalebone Theatre Quinn, Joanna
F ROBINSON Leaving : a novel Robinson, Roxana
F SAINT Ariadne Saint, Jennifer
F TINTERRA Listen for the lie Tintera, Amy
F WALDMAN Help wanted : a novel Waldman, Adelle



SF DOCTOROW Red team blues Doctorow, Cory
SF MARILLIER Daughter of the forest Marillier, Juliet



M BLACK Murder at la Villette Black, Cara
M BOX Three-inch teeth Box, C. J.,
M CAMILLERI The cook of the Halcyon Camilleri, Andrea
M CAMILLERI The Sicilian method Camilleri, Andrea
M CAMILLERI The smell of the night Camilleri, Andrea.
M FRENCH The Hunter French, Tana
M HIMES The essential Harlem detectives Himes, Chester B.
M PERRIN How to solve your own murder Perrin, Kristen
M ST. JAMES Murder road St. James, Simone



LARGE PRINT F POWERS The overstory : a novel Powers, Richard



VERMONT 811.6 P PoemCity anthology:  2024.
VERMONT 814.6 G Notes from the porch : tiny true stories to make you feel better about the world Greene, Thomas Christopher
VERMONT BIO NEAGLEY Attic of dreams : a memoir Neagley, Marilyn Webb
VERMONT REF 320.07 M Annual report – City of Montpelier. Montpelier (Vt.) annual report
VERMONT REF 352.07 CALAIS Annual report. Calais, Vermont


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