- No events scheduled for June 23, 2024.
- No events scheduled for June 28, 2024.
- No events scheduled for June 29, 2024.
Week of Events
Language Lunch: German
Language Lunch: German
Bei diesen spontanen Treffen haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihre Konversationsfähigkeiten aufzufrischen. Alle Niveaus sind willkommen. Bringen Sie gerne ein Lunchpaket und ein Wörterbuch mit. These drop-in meetings give you the...
Pokemon Club
Mountaineers Storytime
Mountaineers Storytime
Join Meliss and special guests Mountaineers baseball players for stories, songs and fun!
Language Lunch: Italian
Language Lunch: Italian
Questi incontri drop-in ti danno la possibilità di rispolverare le tue capacità di conversazione. Tutti i livelli sono i benvenuti. Sentiti libero di portare un pranzo al sacco e un...
Storytime at Camp Meade
Storytime at Camp Meade
KHL comes to Middlesex for a special storytime geared towards 3rd grade and under. Read books about using your imagination, then put it to practice with cardboard, markers and scarves....
Language Lunch: Spanish
Language Lunch: Spanish
Estas reuniones sin cita previa le brindan la oportunidad de mejorar sus habilidades de conversación. Todos los niveles son bienvenidos. No dudes en traer una bolsa de almuerzo y un...
Tie Dye Party
Tie Dye Party
Celebrate the beginning of summer and bring your own t-shirt or other cotton item to dye.
Chess Club
Strawberry Storytime at Dog River Farm
Strawberry Storytime at Dog River Farm
KHL comes to Berlin for a special preschool storytime about strawberries! Attendees will be able to go home with a free book. This program will be rescheduled in the event...
Language Lunch: French
Language Lunch: French
Ces réunions sans rendez-vous vous donnent l'occasion de perfectionner vos compétences conversationnelles. Tous les niveaux sont les bienvenus. N'hésitez pas à apporter un sac repas et un dictionnaire. These drop-in...
Upcoming Events
Recent News
- Trustee Spotlight: Sebastian Delgado February 18, 2025
- Trustee Spotlight: Hunter Thiers February 12, 2025
- League of Women Voters Series: Recent Supreme Court Decisions February 11, 2025